
Εισαγωγή και στόχοι: Επισκόπηση Η ενότητα για τις ψηφιακές δεξιότητες και τη δημιουργία βίντεο έχειως στόχο να εφοδιάσει τους μαθητές και το διδακτικό προσωπικό μεορισμένα βασικά στοιχεία σχετικά με την ψηφιοποίηση του κόσμουμας. Θα διερευνήσουμε την έννοια των...


Introduction and Objectives: visão geral Planejamento de Eventos envolve organizar e gerenciar diversos tipos deeventos, desde pequenos encontros até grandes conferências. Vamos analisaros principais passos e considerações para um planejamento de eventos bemsucedido:...


Introduzione e obiettivi: Panoramica Il modulo sulle competenze digitali e la realizzazione di video ha l’obiettivo di fornire agli studenti e anche al personale docente alcune nozioni di base sulla digitalizzazione del nostro mondo. Indagheremo il concetto di...


Exercises Exercise 1: Information: true or false? Learning Objectives This activity aims to assess students’ ability to discern between accurate and inaccurate information found online, enhancing their critical evaluation skills of sources. It can be conducted...

Useful Resources

Useful Resources Test your digital skills! EUROPASS TEST Websites/Apps where you can create videos & presentations Canva is an online template editor app for creating social media graphics and presentations. Mentimeter is a free-to-use interactive presentation...

Guidelines For Beginner Videomakers?

Guidelines for beginner videomakers? This Guide will provide students and teachers with basic instructions on how to record Audio or Video Journal, using mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, etc. Let’s start with basic technical instructions Choosing the Right...